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    Understand the latest development and trend of the company

    Zhongfu Lianzhong held the publicity and ideological work conference in 2021.

    In order to further implement the spirit of the company's 2021 work conference and the Party Committee's special meeting on ideology work, Zhongfu Lianzhong held the 2021 publicity and ideological work meeting on March 20, to summarize the publicity and ideological work in 2020 and arrange and deploy the work in 2021.Wang Tongbing, deputy party secretary and deputy general manager, presided over the meeting and delivered a speech. More than 40 people from various departments, business units, subsidiaries and companies participated in the meeting.

    The meeting publicized and implemented the management measures of Zhongfu Lianzhong news publicity work (trial), and reported the advanced model publicity plan in 2021 and the situation of CFRP correspondent team.Staff representatives from the Blade Business Division, the Pipe and Tank Business Division, functional departments and external companies made exchanges and speeches respectively, and put forward good opinions and suggestions on the company's propaganda and ideological work in terms of corporate culture concept, publicity carrier, internationalization of content and so on.

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