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    Understand the latest development and trend of the company

    Zhongfu Lianzhong launched the CMPMC project.

    On March 13th, Zhongfu Lianzhong held the CMPMC (cost management based on process monitoring and control) project kick-off meeting. Qiao Guanghui, secretary of the Party Committee and chairman of the board, attended the meeting and made a speech. Wang Tongbing, deputy secretary of the Party Committee and deputy general manager, chaired the meeting. A total of 44 people, including the company's leading team members, middle-level and above managers and project team members, attended the event in the form of video conference.

    Qiao Guanghui explained the connotation of CMPMC and emphasized the importance of process management. In view of the implementation of follow-up projects, he put forward three requirements: First, pay attention to practical results, do a good job of overall planning and highlight the focus of work. Second, reach a consensus, do a good job of inter-departmental cooperation, form a resultant force. Third, interact with other work, communicate and coordinate with each other, to promote synergistic effect.

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