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    Zhongfu Lianzhong Testing Center Laboratory obtained DNV GL qualification

    Recently, Zhongfu Lianzhong received the official paper certificate of DNV GL and confirmed that the laboratory of the company's testing center was qualified as DNV GL. This indicates that Zhongfu Lianzhong's blade structure detection ability has reached the international level, has the ability to carry out blade detection according to the corresponding recognition criteria, and the test report issued by Zhongfu Lianzhong has the corresponding authority in the field of wind power composite materials.

    Previously, the DNV GL certification team, represented by Dr. Zhao Guobin, China Manager of DNV GL renewable energy certification, and Dr. Christopher Harrison, conducted a comprehensive review and evaluation of the quality system documents, on-site implementation compliance and testing process of the testing center. Through on-site audit, rectification and reexamination of non-conforming items, the review experts finally gave high recognition to the laboratory, confirmed that the laboratory's test ability met the relevant standards, and met the requirements of DNV GL certification. In particular, blade stiffness testing, blade modal testing (torsional frequency), blade vibration mode and structural damping, drag reducing foam follow type technology, blade fatigue testing, closed-loop control system access, high temperature research on blade surface, outdoor fatigue test, blade surface cooling and other testing measures are advanced.

    DNV GL is a world-famous professional organization providing classification and technical support services for the energy industry. It is the industry leader in the field of certification, verification and training services. It has maintained a good cooperative relationship with Zoomlion for many years. Since the establishment of the testing center, more than 30 projects have been successfully certified. The acquisition of DNV GL certificate will contribute to the smooth development of subsequent blade certification, further standardize the test process management, reduce the cost of blade on-site certification, improve the efficiency of certification and enhance the competitiveness of enterprises.

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