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    Understand the latest development and trend of the company

    Zhongfu Lianzhong successfully Passed the Energy Management System Certification Audit

    Zhongfu Lianzhong successfully passed the energy management system ISO 50001:2018 and RB/T114-2014 certification audit certification on June 11st. This marks that Zhongfu Lianzhong has initially reached the new requirements of multi-factor and multi-level coverage of energy management system, and has laid a foundation for the company to further declare provincial and national green factories.

    From May 22nd to 23rd, the audit team carried out the first stage of remote audit on the company's energy management system certification. And the audit team carried out the second stage of the site audit on the energy management system certification, and held the first and last meeting  from May 29th to 31st. Finally, the audit team announced that Zhongfu Lianzhong passed through the energy management system certification audit, recommended to obtain certification certificate.

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