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  1. 2019-06-19
    The third Yan'an special training of Zhongfu Lianzhong "follow the Party firmly, forge ahead bravely and take on responsibilities" was successfully concluded

    In order to further study and implement Xi Jinping's new socialist ideology with Chinese characteristics, firmly believe in the ideals and beliefs of "never forget the original mind and remember the mission" and carry forward the spirit of Yanan, in from June 15th to 16th, China and the public launched the third phase of the "special faith training course" with the strong belief and the party's courage to take the initiative in the revolutionary holy land of Yanan. Under the leadership of the Party committee member and chief financial officer, Zhang Xiaoping, 40 party members and advanced individuals from the headquarters and affiliated companies of the company attended the training.


    According to the course arrangement, the trainees visited the school history museum of Yan'an University, the former site of Zaoyuan revolution, Yan'an revolution memorial hall, Baotashan and Yangjialing revolution; listened to the lectures on "the 13th year of the CPC Central Committee in Yan'an" and "educated youth sentiment, educated youth theory, educated youth soul" by the professors of Yan'an University, learned and sang Yan'an revolutionary songs and Northern Shaanxi folk songs enthusiastically; in liangjiahe, everyone participated Observe the intellectual well, the former residence of the intellectual youth and the village history management, trace the footprints of General Secretary Xi in liangjiahe, experience the seven years of intellectual youth of the general secretary on the spot, experience the great feelings of the ancestors represented by General Secretary Xi going up the mountain and down to the countryside, and selflessly dedicate their youth to the party, the country and the people.

    This training has not only theoretical interpretation, but also on-site investigation, exchange and interaction. The trainees' thoughts have been baptized, their souls have been purified, their spirits have been sublimated, and their ideals and beliefs of "never forget their original mind and keep their mission in mind" have been further strengthened. Participants have expressed that they will bring the "Yan'an Spirit" back to their respective posts and contribute to the company's high-quality development.

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